Friday 29 June 2012

Part 1 Physical texture. Experimenting with techniques

Part 1 Physical and visual texture -physical texture

Physical texture.....thoughts

It's good to be mucking about experimenting without the pressure of coming up with anything particularly worthy, though I guess that I shall have to face that before too long. I'm working through Part 1 in more depth than the course appears to require. I didn't train as a painter and have always felt that my application of paint, brushstrokes etc has been very wanting I've been more concerned with visual texture and for the most part representation. It was tempting but scarey to start with Appel/Jorn style impasto work at the outset so decided to be more thorough skipping medieval embossed technique (may come back to it) and began my studies at the 15C. The Pollaiolo's finely modeled raised hair knocked me out when I saw it here in Milan 27 years ago and it has been good to study my all time hot favourite Rembrandt's work a little more.

Whilst I love the fluidity and sqigginess of Soutine and of course the wax laden paintings of Van Gogh I do have difficulty appreciating some of Auerbach, Asgar Jorn Karel Appel, Leon Kossoff. To date I find the splurge of emotion raw and crude but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Today I started a painting of a sardine in oils aware that it is a good subject for water colour. I am trying to use plenty of paint building areas of impasto but it doesn't come naturally to me. I'm disappointed so far with the 'dry' look....  I am hoping to make the image quite oily and wet looking. Glazing when dry may help that along.