Sunday 4 November 2012

Part 1 Assignment One

I've drawn on work done in two of the sections in Part 1 work for Assignment One.

1 Physical/visual texture

2 Low relief and monochrome

Part 1 of assignment one. Physical and Visual texture.

Starting point
I was reluctant to have to leave this work to go for a months break away from home so I was pleased to take it up again for assignment one.

These 4 pieces were done in July 2011. I started these unpremeditated pieces with areas of raised textures made with an impasto medium. Once dry they evolved through free over painting. The first two are more worked than the last ones.

Oct 2012 Starting work for part 1 of Assignment One

My first thoughts/ideas revolved around the exploration of the relationship between two or three elements existing within bounds set by more stationary transparent forms/shapes.

In the first few trials I used a combination of small 'chips' of brown paper partly 'fixed' under tissue paper. I had a kind of annunciation in mind where the pieces showered down from above and Giotto's angel was in the back of my mind.

 Firstly, I worked on top of a piece that I had started for something else, the under layer of squares definitely doesn't work but I liked some of the composition. The three areas of paper snippets in motion slowed/fixed by tissue overlays became the beginning of further pieces.

I continued in the square format modifying the composition.

                                                            Further work

A new tack of trying random spills of the paper snippets. I like the fragile/ephemeral quality of these tiny pieces of paper but can't think how to fix them in place or take it further without painstakingly reproducing the effect in paint. In any case I don't think I can spend so much time when I feel experimentation is more important.

With the dead line at the end of October I set upon making a painting without collage.
Below is my first work which I subsequently abandoned. It seemed to be going in an interesting direction but in time became laboured pallid and dull. Also the paper became very buckled making application tricky.

Acrylic on paper 100x70cm 

I then went onto the following two pieces which are acrylic but almost watercolour in technique. Whilst the works no longer respond to the original intention of combining physical and visual texture I feel they continue to refer to my thoughts on composition.

I am submitting the following two painting for the first part of assignment one.

Acrylic on paper 47x32cm

Acrylic on paper 67x47cm

Part 2 of Assignment One. Low Relief and Monochrome

Several pieces of work from the 4 sections of the course in part 1 have contributed to the work I am submitting as part of Assignment One.

 Drawings from objects attached to a board

Experiments from the section on collage.

Experimenting with impasto medium on board.

Experimenting with impasto medium on board.

I am submitting the following 3 works as part 2 of assignment one.

 I loosely used this photograph as a starting point for work. 

'Bas Relief/Monochrome' submission for Second part of Assignment One 76x41cm Mixed media on cardboard

Detail of above work

32x21cm mixed media version 2
version 1

'Bas relief/Monochrome' Submission for part 2 of assignment 1 27x17cm mixed media on cardboard
Detail of above work

N.B. The supporting studies of the pieces that I am submitting for assignment are not my selection of work done in this unit