Sunday 16 September 2012

Part 1. Collage Intro

Unfortunately I didn't develop my 'physical and visual texture' work leading to the making the larger more resolved piece before leaving for the U.K. at the end of July.
Returning home at the end of August I tried to pick up where I left off but found that too much time had passed without working to continue and produce the larger work. To avoid further frustration I decided to go on to the Collage Project in the hope that I can return to  when I'm in painterly mode.

Project Collage

I've worked quite a bit in low relief but have never been too keen on collage so I admit not starting this project with as much enthusiasm. Having worked on it for 2 or so weeks trying a number of approaches in concept and technique I still haven't found a way forward that I want to develop further. However, today I went to a complex of abandoned buildings with the local photography club. The crumbling buildings turned out to be an unfinished crazy 60's pleasure park. Amongst the many I took photos of walls and ceilings revealing broken down layers of brick, paster, metal, paint and these may to a starting point for a set of work leading to 'larger work' inspired to use them as a basis for composition and technique.

So far I'm enjoying experimenting with different techniques and approaches but slow down when it comes to trying to say something meaningful, particularly, as I feel I should come up with responses that relate to the nature of the project. It would be interesting to translate an 'the same idea' in each of the projects and who knows perhaps (I hope very much) to find a voice and personal meaning in time.